Principles of Agronomy

Prof. Dr. Ir. I Nyoman Rai, M.S.

ISBN : 978-602-8409-68-1 Published : 2018


            The progress of knowledge and technology in agriculture which is very fast requires a way of managing agricultural crops and the environment more wisely, while also demanding innovations ranging from production systems to efficient distribution, in order to obtain maximum sustainable production. This book examines the scope of modern agronomy, agricultural systems and food needs, crop classification, environmental factors, and energy flows in agriculture, plant growth and development; reproduction and breeding of plants, as well as businesses and principles of agricultural production. It is hoped that reading this book can provide theoretical and practical understanding so that it makes it easier for students to deepen agricultural science and technology further. This book will greatly help agricultural students from the Study Program in Agronomy, Agroechotechnology, Agribusiness, and other study programs that require the Agronomy Course as a Compulsory Course, as well as agricultural experts and all interested persons involved in the process of agricultural innovation in the broadest sense in Indonesia.