Fighting Cultural Stigmatization of Balinese Workers

01/03/2022 Views : 232

I Gusti Made Suwandana

Bali is known for its potential as a tourism area. This image makes Bali filled with the hospitality industry which is certainly growing from time to time. In 2000, there were 113 hotels, while until 2019, there were 507 star hotels throughout Bali, according to Central Statistics Agency data. The increase in figures over the last 20 years shows that Bali is a wetland for the development of this industry. The data only includes five-star hotels, not including other accommodations. Other accommodation includes non-star hotels, villas, inns, restaurants, and other entertainment venues. This facility is nothing but intended to support tourism itself. The varying number of accommodations implies that this industry can absorb not only educated workers but also uneducated workers. This development stretch should be able to significantly reduce unemployment in Bali. But in fact, Bali is ranked 18th with the lowest unemployment, originally Bali was in first position in 2020 according to the data from Bank Indonesia. This problem is actually a concern because this industry should be able to provide the main job opportunities for the Balinese people. But why then is there still unemployment? Recently, people have been shocked by the actions of unscrupulous entrepreneurs who explicitly refuse to accept Balinese workers to work for their companies. This action certainly drew criticism from various parties. Similar incidents have not only happened once but also many times and there are still people who do this. The entrepreneur argues that so far the people who are working in the vacant section are Balinese workers and when there are major religious holidays in Bali, none of the employees can work. This reason is not entirely wrong, because the considerations made must have been carefully considered. In this case, who should introspect? Is it from the side of the worker or from the side of the employer? Balinese people live in a complex pattern and are required to balance roles. When they have entered a period of work and family, multidimensional roles require them to be able to fulfill their responsibilities. This kind of role conflict has been discussed in the literature known as work-family-cultural conflict.

Overcoming conflict and fighting stigma, work conflict becomes more complex in line with the role of society. In the modern era, the complexity of tasks and demands also adds a new dimension to role conflict. Balancing roles then becomes something very urgent to do. A balanced role between workers, society and part of the family can provide comfort to workers. Balancing can be done by accustoming workers to comply with all the regulations around them. In minimizing conflict, Adaptation and smart timing are needed. Role conflict often occurs when workers find it difficult to adjust to new habits. Likewise, time is not used optimally. A few workers who make carelessness in managing their time and find it difficult to adapt will have an impact on other workers. Then this gives rise to stigmatization among employers. Changes in habit patterns among workers are needed to change this stigmatization. It is difficult to change the stigma if there is minimal change from the workers themselves. Changes are not only made to individuals or groups, but to those who are stigmatized. Because, basically, stigma is a generalization for a group in society. Community synergy is needed to support all forms of change in the order in society. The assistance of a new mindset and mentality needs to be enforced. The revolution to fight stigma must start from individuals and groups. After that, let the stigma disappear slowly in the process of change for the good.