Negotiation Management As Conflict Resolution

12/07/2023 Views : 98

I Gusti Made Suwandana

Conflict always exists in the layers of people's lives and is found almost every day in life. Huan and Yazdanifard (2012), conflict is a problem in organizations that can have an impact on organizational communication, decreased morale, increased employee turnover, negative media publicity, and legal consequences. Unknowingly, every day in life as a social being and in the business world internal and external conflicts often occur within the company. Kartono (1994) explains Game Theory is a study that uses a mathematical approach in formulating competitive situations and conflicts between various interests to analyze the decision-making process, namely the optimal strategy of different competitive situations involving two or more interests. This theory describes negotiation as a conflict resolution that has the potential to benefit both parties having a conflict. The purpose of negotiation is to reach an agreement where no party is harmed (win win solution). One theory that can be used is from Joseph Reitz (1998) in his book Ethics in Negotiation which states that one of the things in negotiation ethics is Weaking the Opponents. This theory makes the opposing party feel weak by mentioning their shortcomings and needs so that the opposing party feels that they have to give in more in order to reach an agreement because their weaknesses are already known. Knowing the weaknesses of job seekers enables employers to hire people and pay them below the specified minimum wage. So indirectly these job seekers can apply the principle of "Weaking the Opponets" to employers by mentioning the company's weaknesses and increasing their bargaining power as job seekers. Conflicts must be properly handled through conflict management and conflict resolution. It begins with diagnosing the conflict and then making a decision to resolve the conflict. Conflict management plays an important role in overcoming or resolving conflicts that arise between individuals, teams, and even organizations. Through this conflict management, it is hoped that effective solutions will be obtained and be able to identify problems or conflicts in detail. Negotiation is a settlement process between two parties in reaching a mutually beneficial agreement. The expected result of the negotiation is to increase the satisfaction of all parties and optimize the value generated. The approach to dealing with conflict from Thomas and Kilmann (2008), namely: 1) Avoiding, namely avoiding conflict to reduce tension was chosen because of a lack of confidence in managing conflict. This approach is very relevant when the conflict situation is relatively small because this type of negotiation is not cooperative because it only delays problems or avoids problems. 2) Competing, namely facing conflict directly with argumentation or debate. This is considered uncooperative because each party feels they are right, so it ends up being a win-lose. 3). Accomodating, namely the tendency to give in to the greater interest by sacrificing some of the self-interest. Accommodation is a combination of unassertive and cooperative. 4). Collaborating, namely the joint efforts of both parties to find a basis for finding a more profitable position for both. This requires patience and awareness and this is what most people want to achieve when dealing with conflict. 5). Compromising, namely the middle position between collaboration and avoiding where there is an agreement between the two parties but not all desires are fulfilled and even sacrificed for the sake of the other party. It is important for leaders and managers to develop skills such as a deep understanding of problems, empathy, active listening and the ability to control emotions. Open communication and promoting a collaborative approach, managers can help facilitate constructive dialogue and reach win-win solutions. Conflict management and negotiation are important skills to have in the business world. Conflicts can be turned into opportunities to repair relationships and improve performance. Thoughtful negotiations can create mutually beneficial agreements and build strong relationships between the parties involved. By developing these skills, we can create harmonious, productive and sustainable environments in a variety of contexts. Conflict is an inevitable part of human interaction and conflict occurs in a variety of contexts, including industrial relations and other environmental issues. In a diverse and dynamic Indonesia, effective conflict management and negotiation are essential to maintain peace, promote cooperation and achieve sustainable development. One area where conflicts often arise in Indonesia is in industrial relations. Disputes between unions and employers over wages, working conditions and rights can lead to protests and disruptions in production. To manage this conflict, it is important to establish open channels of communication, mutual understanding and encourage collaborative problem solving. Mediation techniques in negotiations can play an important role in resolving disputes and reaching mutually beneficial agreements. Conflicts can arise in various sectors, such as politics, religion, education, and social issues and have their own challenges and require an appropriate approach. The keys to successful conflict management and negotiations lie in communication, building a culture of tolerance, mutual respect and inclusivity. Dialogue, empathy and understanding can help bridge differences and reach consensus. Negotiation skills play an important role in managing conflict effectively. The ability to listen actively, empathize and communicate clearly is essential in building trust and finding mutually acceptable solutions. Negotiators need to have skills in problem solving, creative thinking and compromise, as well as taking into account the diverse cultural and social dynamics in Indonesia. Conflict management and negotiation are very important in maintaining peace, resolving disputes and promoting sustainable development in Indonesia. Whether in industrial relations, environmental issues, or other social challenges, effective conflict management requires open communication, empathy, and a willingness to find common points of agreement. Developing strong negotiating skills, building a culture of dialogue, understanding is key in overcoming conflict and forging a harmonious society.