Government Efforts in Improving the Quality of Human Resources

07/07/2023 Views : 89

I Gusti Made Suwandana

The government is trying to encourage the acceleration of development through the transformation of all aspects. The application of digital-based industrial technology aims to boost productivity and competitiveness so that it can boost national economic growth. The development of a country can be seen in the development of resources to overcome problems that occur in society. Along with the rapid development of technology in today's modern era, the government must be better prepared to face the challenges of accelerating technology in various fields globally. Human resources (HR) is a top priority that must be improved quality. Improving the quality of human resources must be intensified by all parties, namely the government, society and educational institutions in order to achieve the maximum potential possessed by human resources to contribute to the country's development. The HR development program covers three main issues, namely poverty reduction, stunting reduction prevalence, and vocational revitalization. Effective allocation of human resources will be a driver of economic growth. After the economy grows, new capital accumulation begins to be needed to keep the economy growing and developing. Government performance is needed as a major role in producing superior and competitive human resources. Certified internship programs at Merdeka Learning Campus Merdeka (MBKM), strengthening partnerships with educational institutions, developing Project Based Learning (PBL) and establishing a Career Development Center (CDC) can provide useful opportunities, experiences and training for students in introducing the work environment. Efforts to improve the quality of human resources are also carried out by the Government by providing financing facilities through People's Business Credit (KUR) with low interest rates to encourage an entrepreneurial spirit. The government is also participating in strengthening the Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs) ecosystem through counseling and mentoring to encourage community economic growth. Development in Indonesia is not enough just to improve infrastructure, but must also be supported by competent and superior human resources. Improving the quality of human resources certainly cannot be far from improving the quality and changing the curriculum of educational institutions following changes and rapid industrial progress. Community participation and optimism are needed to support government policies. So that the role of all parties can be a joint achievement for the progress of Indonesia.