The Role of Young Generation on Digital Economy in the Era of Society 5.0

09/09/2022 Views : 127

I Gusti Made Suwandana

Society 5.0 as community that can face and complete various challenge as well as problem social with utilise innovation digital technology as part main create score new later. Quality young generation will play a role important in growth Indonesian economy in the era of Society 5.0, development digital talent expected can give impact positive for growth digitizing MSMEs in Indonesia. Generation Indonesian youth are expected capable utilise talent digital in undergo life. Generation young who can also called as digital generation always want to know about development of the times. They Keep going search, learn, and work in a close environment with technology for make changes in various aspect life. They are even more believe User Generated Content (UGC) than information unidirectional, social media as obligation socialize, less like read, follow development technology, and work effective. Characteristics generation young people who are sensitive, creative, innovative, and can fast adapt with development dynamic change _ this potential realize digital economy, where all activity the economy internet based and intelligence artificial or Artificial Intelligence (AI). Development digital economy can our see direct from change activity Becomes everything online, automatic, easy, and fast. If before existence digital economy needed cost and more time _ many for build shop physical, now business can with easy run with stall free marketplace or with open website shop online. The payment has changed Becomes cashless and digital so that who just can to do payment by more easy, anytime and anywhere. Development digital economy too proved with appearance many company competing start - ups _ To do go online on various type industry, for example make applications that can make it easy public activity everyday. Role young who have behavior creative and innovative in build pattern work based on interpersonal skills (soft skills), can started in five ways so that later play a role maximum for realize Digital Economy in the Era of Society 5.0.

1.      Get to know

Stages this show generation always young up to date and easy access information so that start know what just updates that are happening in the present this. What else supported with style life generation accustomed young use gadgets and the internet so that all information and development technology will very easy and fast for is known.

2.      Dig

After start sensitive in know development available information _ and available large on internet network, how to next is look for know . Search information this aim for add knowledge about previous information our no know, then complete it from various valid source for avoid hoax information.

3.      Understanding

There is a figure of speech say " more " good know a little but deep , than know many but only on the surface only ". Understanding it means our learn something more deep from beginning until end, so our understand by good and clear. In the process of understanding, we will face question and problem, then look for solution for solve problem that.

4.      Action

After understand to the information we search, next our will challenge self for start action. Knowledge without action is in vain. We have to Act in accordance with what we understand.

5.      Do it

Weakness part big humans, including generation young when pursue something not yet of course in accordance hope is Fright will obstacles that are not ordinary. Existence assumption and excessive expectations possible will lower perseverance someone.

A lot lost job consequence automation and source power humans who haven't capable balance digital development to a must challenge faced. The solution is permanent creative and can branding all potency the self that we are have. Generation quality young must prepared past a number of stage, that is planting sensitivity, understanding, and perseverance until give birth to generation smart digital. Needed supplies science, science, and Skills based on technology for give birth to professional generation and innovative. Then, it takes also environment and culture that can push birth generation of character and integrity. Facilities offered _ in digital economy, of course open opportunity extensive business in various _ field so that open great opportunity _ for increase MSME turnover. Based on research by Mandiri Institute , as many as 9 percent of MSMEs experienced increase income , while MSME businessmen who have not have digital access experience increase income only 4 percent course . This it's time for you to reach opportunity business with to do digitization. Definitely there is challenges that will faced in push growth digital economy in Indonesia to front please. Well, if speak question that , no will free from synergy and collaboration on three pillar important , that is Government , Academics , and Society . Challenge government is how make policies that can push growth digital economy, start from socialization, facilitation, until evaluation . Different here with challenge academics who don't miss from prepare soft skills development and motivation generation young for could more ready, sensitive, creative and innovative. Beside that, it is society who becomes end spear implementation every government program for push growth digital economy. Synergy third pillar this expected can Becomes step real for push growth digital economy in Indonesia.