Dr. Fatma Sarie I Nyoman Tri Sutaguna, S.ST.Par., M.Par Dr. I Putu Suiraoka, S.ST., M.Kes Darwin Damanik, S.E., M.SE Gusnita Efrina, M.Pd Rahmahidayati Sari, M.Pd Ayu Rahma Nengsi, M.Pd Fadli Agus Triansyah, S.Pd Dr. Ir. Talitha Wenifrida Massenga, M.Si

ISBN : 978-623-8157-78-5 Published : 2023


Research methodology is the main foundation in a study that allows researchers to collect valid data, analyze results, and reach accurate conclusions. In research development, the selection and application of appropriate methods is very important to ensure the success of the research and the quality of the results obtained. Research methodology is an approach or strategy used to design and carry out research. This approach includes the steps that must be taken by researchers to obtain the necessary data, process the data, and analyze it in an appropriate way. Research Methodology also involves the selection of appropriate measurement instruments, data collection techniques, and statistical analysis. Research Methodology also involves the selection of appropriate measurement instruments, data collection techniques, and statistical analysis.