Journal article

Effect Of Dietary Biosupplement Fermented Earthworm Microbes Consortium Inoculant On The Carcass Production And Cholesterol Blood Profile Of Baliness Duck

I NYOMAN SUTARPA SUTAMA I Made Mudita I Wayan Suberata Ni Wayan Siti

Volume : 3 Nomor : 8 Published : 2016, January

Journal of Research in Agriculture and Animal Science


ABSTRACT:- A research has been carried out to evaluating potency of dietary biosupplement fermented earthworm microbes consortium inoculant on the carcass production and cholesterol blood profile of baliness duck. Completely Randomized Design consisted of six treatments and four replicates were employed. The first treatment was ration based on waste and weed crop without supplemented (RS0), while the other treatments were RS0 supplemented by biosupplement fermented without earthworm inoculant (RSB0), biosupplement fermented inoculant of 0,1% earthworm (RSBc1), biosupplement fermented inoculant of 0,2% earthworm (RSBc2), biosupplement fermented inoculant of 0,3% earthworm (RSBc3), and biosupplement fermented inoculant of 0,4% earthworm (RSBc4). The result showed that fed dietary of biosupplement fermented eartworm microbes consortium inoculant (RSBc1, RSBc2, RSBc3 and RSBc4) increasing (P<0,05) slaughter weight (1457,5 -1493,8 g/duck), carcass weight (848,40 – 914,52 g/duck), carcass percentage (58,21 – 61,47%), physical composition of carcass and carcass meat percentage compare with RS0. Fed ration supplemented biosuplemen SB0 (RSB0) also increase (P<0,05) slaughter weight and carcass weight baliness ducks compare with RS0 were 4,03% and 12,28% respectively. While for the chemical and cholesterol blood profile all treatments has not significant different (P>0,05), except for the concentration of LDL blood fed RSBc3 and RSBc4 decreased (P<0,05) concentration of LDL blood was 27.73 to 28.38 mg/dl Vs 29.70 to 41,33 mg/dl. It was concluded that dietary biosupplement fermented earthworm microbes consortium inoculant can increased carcass production and decreased concentration of LDL blood baliness duck. Keywords:- Baliness Duck, Biosupplement, Earthworm Microbes Consortium Inoculant, Carcass Production, Cholesterol Blood