Ni Wayan Ekawati Gede Suparna Gede Bayu Rahanatha Ni Made Intan Kusumasari Dewa Ayu Agung Bunga Kinara Pm
ISBN : 978-623-8528-12-7 Published : 2024
We give praise and thanks to God Almighty, because it is thanks to His grace that the book entitled Purchasing Decisions Based on Augmented Reality, Positive Response and Stickiness can be completed and successfully published. The presence of a Purchase Decision Book Based on Augmented Reality, Positive Response and Stickiness was compiled by Ni Wayan Ekawati, Gede Suparna, Gede Bayu Rahanatha, Ni Made Intan Kusumasari, Dewa Ayu Agung Bunga Kinara Pm. Even though it is far from perfect, we hope that this book can be used as a reference or reading and reference for academics or professionals.
The systematics of writing this book are described in five chapters which contain purchasing decisions and their development, Stimulus-Organism-Response (SOR) Theory, Augmented Reality (AR), Positive Response, Stickiness, paradigm development, dialectical process of conceptual development regarding purchasing decisions based on augmented reality , positive response, and stickiness.
Infinite thanks to all parties who have contributed fully in the entire series of preparation to publication of this book. In particular, we would like to express our thanks to Intellectual Manifest Media (Infes Media) as the initiator of this book. This book certainly has many shortcomings and limitations. Suggestions from readers are very meaningful for improving future work. Finally, I hope this book can be useful for readers.