I Ketut Jirnaya was born on April 8, 1959. Elementary school education (1965-1971) in the village of Les Buleleng. SMPN (1972-1974) in Tejakula Buleleng. TGA Saraswati (1975-1977) in Denpasar. In 1978-1983, he graduated from the Department of Old Javanese Language and Literature at the Faculty of Letters, Udayana University. In 1984 he was appointed as a resident in the department. In 1989-1992 completed his Masters education with the main field of Philology Studies at the Padjadjaran University Bandung Postgraduate Program. In 2007-20012 completed his doctoral education at the Udayana University Postgraduate Program in the field of Literary Discourse.
he served as Secretary of the Regional Literature Departement, Faculty of Letters,
Udayana University. From 2001-2005 he served as Chairman of the same
Department. In 2018-now he has served as Coordinator of the Old Javanese
Literature Study Program, with the rank and class of Head of Lector. IV / c in
the position of Young Main Advisor.
Since being
appointed as a permanent lecturer, he has often conducted research, community
service, and attended seminars, both as a participant and as a speaker. His
current activity is often as a speaker at regional, national, and international
seminars. Scientific publications in national journals, accredited national,
and international journals have been written and in chapter books. The
self-written book was only published in 2020.