Journal article

Trafic Signs Detection Based On Saliency Map Using Canny Edge


Volume : 2 Nomor : 1 Published : 2018, February

Journal of Electrical, Electronics and Informatics


This paper proposed Canny edge detection to detected saliency map on traffic sign. The edge detection functions by identifying the bounds from an object on an image. The edge of an image is an area that has a strong intensity of light.The pixel intensity of an image changes from low to high values or otherwise. Detecting the edge of an image significantly will decrease the amount of data and filters insignificant information by not deleting necessary structure from the image. The image used for this paper is a digital capture of a traffic sign with a background. The result of this study shows that Canny edge detection creates saliency map from the traffic sign and separates the road sign from the background. The image result tested by calculating the saliency distance between a tested image and trained image using normalized Euclidean distance. The value of normalized Euclidean distance is set between 0 to 2. The testing process is done by calculating the nearest distance between the tested vector features and trained vector features. From the examination as a whole, it can be concluded that road sign detection using saliency map model can be built by Canny edge detection. From the whole system examination, it resulted a accuracy value of 0,65. This value shows that the data was correctly classified by 65%. The precision value has an outcome of 0,64, shows that the exact result of the classification is 64%. The recall value has an outcome of 0,94. This value shows that the success rate of recognizing a data from the whole data is 94%.