Journal article

Master Plan UMKM Berbasis Perikanan untuk Meningkatkan Pengolahan Produk Ikan yang Memiliki Nilai Tambah Tinggi

Volume : 7 Nomor : 2 Published : 2014, August

Jurnal Ekonomi Kuantitatif Terapan


This research aims to generate a Master plan of fisheries-based SME development concept in Bali region, in order to build Bali as the centre for production and processing of fishery products in the Corridor of Bali-Nusa Tenggara. In Year-1 of the study period, the research activities carried out includes three processes, including analysis of the potential of SMEs, analyzes the business cycle, and identification of barriers and challenges. By using the method of linear regression analysis, geographic information systems (GIS) and analytical hierarchy process (AHP), the study results in year-1, obtained some information about the characteristics of fisheries-based SMEs Bali, consisting of: 1) there is a positive effect between GDP growth and energy work on the level of productivity (output value) of SMEs; and 2) the need for the development of fisheries-based SMEs in Bali include some operational, capital, and market access aspects. To the Bali Provincial Government, SMEs and the public are expected to synergize themselves, in term of institutionally, improving the quality of human resources, empowering financial institutions at the local level, as well as active participation in marketing access to the international level. Key words: Fisheries-based SME, value added, acceleration of economic development, coastal communities