Journal article

Peranan Penyuluh Pertanian Lapangan Dalam Pembuatan Pupuk Organik Padat (Kasus pada Kelompok Ternak Putra Kertha Santhi, Lingkungan Kebon, Kelurahan Baler Bale Agung, Kecamatan Negara, Kabupaten Jembrana)


Volume : 6 Nomor : 1 Published : 2017, January

E Jurnal Agribisnis dan Agrowisata


Role of Field Agricultural Extension Officer in Solid Organic Fertilizer Production, (In the case of Putra Kertha Santhi Group, Kebon – Baler Bale Agung Village, Negara District Jembrana Regency) An agricultural extension officer is the agent of change in farmer’s behaviors. He does this by encouraging farmers to change their behaviors to be farmers with better skills and farmers who be able to make their own decisions, which in turn will lead them into achieving a better life. The importance of the role of facilitator (Field Agricultural Extension Officer) and the importance of innovation delivered by him, facilitator should be able to become a leader who can develop and improve the ability of farmers in a joint effort to change their lives for the better. This study aimed to identify the role of field extension officer in solid organic fertilizer production either as a communicator, counselor, facilitator, organizer or motivator. This study took place in Putra Kertha Santhi Group. The research sites were selected by using purposively sampling. The respondents were chosen by using census method in accordance with the number of farmer group members which is 20 people. Method used in this study was descriptive qualitative analysis, which is a research aiming to provide an overview and explanation of the variables examined. The result showed that the role of field agricultural extension officer in the manufacture of solid organic fertilizer in Putra Kertha Santhi Group is good with the score of 83.4%. This means that the extension officer on duty in Baler Bale Agung Village has been able to carry out his role as a communicator, counselor, facilitator, organizer and motivator. Keywords: role, organic, fertilizer, farmer