Journal article

Potential Of Cananga odorataAND Cymbopogon citratusEssential Oils To Inhibit The In VitroGrowth OfStaphylococcus aureus ATCC 25923 andCandida albicansATCC 10231

Kadek Wegi Kurnilia Sang Ketut Sudirga Yan Ramona

Volume : 7 Nomor : 2 Published : 2020, September

Jurnal Metamorfosa


Cananga odorata and Cymbopogon citratusare two plant species producing inhibitory compounds in their essential oils. In our current research, the potential of their essential oils to inhibit the growth of Staphylococcusaureusand Candida albicanswere investigated. MIC (Minimum Inhibitory Concentration) values of mixture of those essential oils with a ratio of 1:1 on those microbes were also assayed. Bioassays were conducted on Nutrient Agar (NA) or Potato Dextrose Agar(PDA) mediumadded with various ratios of the two plant speciesessential oils.Medium added with sterile distilled water served as control. The data obtained were analyzed quantitatively with SPSS software for Windows version 22. When significant different at p<0.05was indicated, the analysis was continued with Duncan's multiple range test. The result showed that all treatmentof essential oils appliedeffectivelyeliminatedthe growth of S.aureus. C.albicansappeared to be relatively resistant to 100% of C.odorataessential oil. Elimination of C.albicanswas observed when the essential oil of C.odoratawas combined with that of C.citratus. When compared to control, all ratios of essential oils treatmentswere statistically significant(p<0.05). The MIC values of essential oil mixture a ratio of 1:1on S.aureusand C.albicanswere 0,1% and 2,6% respectively. Keywords: essential oil, Cananga odorata, Cymbopogon citratus, Staphylococcus aureus, Candida albicans