Journal article
Penyediaan Air Bersih di Era Tatanan Normal Baru-Clean Water Provision In The New Normal Era
Yenni Ciawi Ananda Sri Parthiswari Yan Ramona ANISSA MARIA HIDAYATI
Volume : 13 Nomor : 2 Published : 2022, November
Jurnal Teknik Pengairan
The year 2020 was the hottest year of human history, even though, since the end of 2019, human activities that cause air pollution have significantly decreased due to the pandemic of Covid-19. The ongoing global warming has caused extreme weather in many places worldwide. As a result, drought happens in some regions of our globe, while heavy flooding and hurricanes become more frequent in other areas. During the Covid-19 pandemic, the need for clean water increased as everyone had to wash their hands more often. This review aims to summarize the availability of clean water supply for people, particularly during this Covid-19 pandemic and in the new normal era. This manuscript was prepared by reviewing related manuscripts published in reputable journals from 1981 to 2022. It can be summarized from this review process that local wisdom and relatively simple modern technologies, such as desalinating seawater, utilizing rainwater, filtering wastewater, utilizing underground reservoirs, using traditional stone filters, ceramic filters and polymeric membranes, were found to be suitable methods/technologies to provide many people with clean water. Such technologies can even be applied at the household level.