Journal article

Pengenalan Kulit Kopi Terfermentasi sebagai Pakan Kelinci di Desa Riang Gede, Kecamatan Tabanan, Kabupaten Tabanan.

I MADE NURIYASA I Made Mastika Gusti Ayu Mayani Kristina Dewi Ni Nyoman Suryani Eny Puspani Desak Putu Mas Ari Candrawati

Volume : 13 Nomor : 2 Published : 2014, July

Jurnal Udayana Mengabdi


Farmer in Dajan Peken village, Tabanan District, Tabanan regency generally raising rabbits traditionally by providing grass field as basic feed and concentrate supplementation very minimum. Short course on diet manufacturing techniques in the form of pellets was performed in Juni 2014, aims to introduce the feed pellets, according to the rabbit nutrient requirements standard. This training introduces fermented of coffee leather as rabbit diet formulation in pellet form. There were 18 local famers and 9 farmer's wife and 5 Dajan Peken community leaders. The teams presented about (1) Rabbit nutrient requirment, (2) Prospect of rabbit, (3) energy and protein balance and (4) diet manufacturing techniques in the form of pellets. Farmers can understand the course material and interested in creating a diet in the form of pellets. Based on the limited discussion, it could be seen that participants were very anthusiastic in joining this activity. They used this occasion for making discussion with the concerned team from Udayana University. Key words : fermented of coffee leather, rabbit nutrient requirement standard, diet manufacturing techniques in the form of pellets.