Nilai Tambah Ekonomi dan Nilai Tambah Sosial

Made Kembar Sri Budhi, Ni Putu Nina Eka Lestari

ISBN : 978-602-9138-80-1 Published : 2016


The free market based on the instinct capitalism of Concour, control and expansion has spawned a market ruling group that dominates its working market mechanism. This group called the Jango Market has directed the market mechanism in such a way an auction mechanism.

Auction mechanisms as the auction market in general can be understood that only those who have the money are able to affect the supply and demand so that those who will come out as winners, the rest is standing outside the fence as the audience. The free market with its neo capitalism has created an immoral economic activity. Identification of an immoral economic reality is the emergence of homeless, labor, slavery, depletion, infidelity, and so on. This mechanism has made the interest of the people to be in the suburbs, emerging a new paradigm that the sovereign market is no longer the sovereign populace. The free market which turns out to be full confined (the embargo, quota, license, copy right, intellectual poverty right) changes the form of behavior of a violent market performer and greedy people who cause eviction and decay to the sovereignty of the people. Development planners in the Republic should be more often reminded of the platform than the national development, aiming to improve the welfare of many people. Therefore, every policy that comes out of this platform should get a warning from all those who care about the importance of empowering people.