Being Smart in Microeconomics and Macroeconomics

I Nyoman Mahaendra Yasa, Made Kembar Sri Budhi, Paulus Kurniawan

ISBN : 978-602-294-293-1 Published : 2018


The book with the title: Being Smart in Microeconomics and Macroeconomics is arranged sequentially and structured so that it is easy for anyone who wishes to understand and learn it to be followed. All people (human being) and the state are actually as economic agents who carry out activities every day to live their lives and hope to be very successful in living the life and administration of the country. This booklet provides detailed information ranging from the meaning, process, what happened and what will happen along with the causes of economic processes in society and the country. Therefore, this book is very useful for all levels of society, students, students, teachers, and novice practitioners who are interested in the field of micro and macro economics.