MICROLINGUISTICS : A Workbook with English Exercises

I Nengah Sudipa

ISBN : 978 602 7599 10 9 Published : 2014


LINGUISTICS as the scientific study of human language consists of two branches :  MICROLINGUISTICS and MACROLINGUISTICS. Microlinguistics generally deals with the theoretical approaches in Phonology, Morphology, Syntax and Semantics. In order to widen the readers’ insight, in more applicable  English samples, this workbook covers ; (1) The Linguists who have played an important roles in developing such theories; (2) Sound-system in English with Indonesian students phenomena; (3) Combination between Morphology and Syntax called Morphosyntax (also called : Lexico-grammar) and the last part (3) Semantics about how    to understand practically the meanings of words, phrases, clauses, text and discourses in English.

            In order to be able to practise the coverage, a lot of relevant examples and questions are provided.