English Text Book for SMK : Tourism Vocational School

Gde Arys Bayu Rewa (Penulis) dan I Nengah Sudipa (Penelaah)

ISBN : 978 623 93971 0 4 Published : 2020


English Text Book for SMK


Gde Arys Bayu Rewa


I Nengah Sudipa

Layot & Design

Usman Jayadi


CV. Kanhaya Karya

Jl. Melati Raya VIII/2 BTN Rembiga

Kota Mataram – NTB

Email: penerbitkakapress@gmail.com

Website: www.kakapress.com

WA: 081238426727

ISBN: 978-623-93971-0-4 978-602-60169-9-7

Cetakan Pertama

Mei 2020



This book was written by inserting Balinese culture to English learning material.

The insertions may make English learning become easier since the context of the learning is near to student’s daily life.

This book is suitable for being used SMK Pariwisata, as the book is written by considering Standar Isi released by Badan Standar Nasional Pendidikan.

There are three themes which are used as the context of learning in this book. The themes are:

1. Letter of Order

2. Standard Operating Procedure of Local Cuisine

3. Reporting and Advertising Local Product

This book is designed to develop four skills of language; listening, speaking, reading, and writing and also two aspects of language; grammar and vocabulary.

This book aims to help both teacher and students to facilitate and enhance English

teaching and learning in SMK Pariwisata.

Singaraja, May 2020



Book Components

English around compromises 3 units and 1 final review. Each unit consists of four language skills, i.e. Listening, Speaking, Reading, and Writing. The book is designed by collaborating Balinese cultural knowledge with integrated English learning material

The activities in this book are designed to develop both the ability of understanding and producing oral and written form of language communication. They are systematically organized to enable the users to comprehend the book


Below are the components featured in English Around.

1. Picture and Title of Unit introduces the topic in the unit.

2. In This Unit provides advance information about the learning materials of the four language skills.

3. Listening focuses on the competence to understand and respond to various texts

in the forms of dialogs and monologs.

4. Speaking focuses on the competence to express feeling, ideas, and action

through dialogs and monologs.

5. Reading emphasizes the ability to understand nuances of meaning and elements

of various written texts.

6. Writing emphasizes the ability to express nuances of meaning in the form of

written texts.

7. Pronunciation Practice helps you pronounce certain words taken from the texts.

8. Grammar Review helps you develop further practice in using suggested

language components or structure.

9. Pictures illustrate the materials being learned to support a communicative

learning process.


10. Summary is a short account which gives the main points learned in each unit.

11. Reflection on Your Learning is a self check on the progress of the book user

after learning one unit.

12. Review helps you check the progress after learning in each unit.

13. Glossary is a list that contains some key words of the texts in the book and their explanations.

14. Index is an alphabetical list of learning materials in the book, with the number of

the page that each one appears on.



Preface iii

Book Component iv

Unit 1 Letter of Order

Listening 2

Speaking 5

Reading 9

Writing 17

Unit 2 SOP of Local Cuisine

Listening 26

Speaking 30

Reading 34

Writing 45

Unit 3 Reporting and Advertising Local Product

Listening 58

Speaking 50

Reading 64

Writing 72

Final Review 81

Bibliography 91

Photo Credit 89

Glossary 94

Index 96