  • Fakultas Teknologi Pertanian


Prof. Dr. Ir. Bambang Admadi Harsojuwono was born in Malang, February 21, 1965 and obtained his bachelor's degree in 1984 from Agricultural Industrial Technology, Agricultural Technology, Brawijaya University, Malang. In 1995, the author obtained a Masters in Agriculture from Plantation Technology, Post-Graduate Program at Gajah Mada University, Yogyakarta. Then in 1999 the author completed the Doctoral program at the Graduate Program of Airlangga University in Surabaya and since 2008 holds the title of Permanent Professor of Udayana University, Bali. Since being appointed as an academic staff (lecturer) in the Agricultural Technology Study Program, Udayana University in 1990, since then the author has also pursued and taught Statistics and Experimental Design courses. Since 1999 until now he has also pursued and taught courses in Multivariate Analysis, Polymer Technology and Horticultural Postharvest Systems. In addition, the writer is also active in carrying out research and community service activities. Some of his research has been published in reputable national and international journals, and is also contained in reference books he has written. Books that have been published and published include: 1) Experimental Design Book: Theory, SPSS and EXCEL Applications; 2) Book Revealing Seaweed on Bali Island of the Gods; 3) Agricultural Industrial Polymer Technology Book; 4) Book of Agricultural Waste Bioprocess; 5) Published, published, Milk, Meat and Egg Technology Book. This will be followed by 2 other books which are currently in the process of publication in IKAPI member publishers.