  • Pasca Sarjana


Born in Gianyar, December 31, 1950. The forth children of Pande Wayan Neka and Ni Wayan Lunga. His Education in Elementary School in the village of Peliatan graduated in 1963. The first Secondary School in SMP Negeri Ubud graduated in 1966. His Secondary High School SMA Negeri 1 Denpasar graduated in 1969.

In 1970 Attended Faculty of Medicine, University of Udayana graduated as a medical doctor in 1978. Post graduate education in Basic medical science ( Physiology ) taken in the Faculty of Medicine, University of Indonesia, Jakarta (1981 - 1983) with the title of Master of Science .

Since 1 of March 1980 was appointed become Pegawai Negeri Sipil (PNS) as a lecturer of Science in Physiology in the Faculty of Medicine, University of Udayana. Received the first award as lecturer in Faculty of Medicine, and the third award as lecturer of  University of Udayana in 1987.

He was appointed as Professor in Physiology since 1 November 1,  2005. As an expert in physiology (Ahli Ilmu Faal) was received from Indonesian Physiological collegiums in 1992. Beside as lecturer in post graduate students he also as co-promotors of the students both master and doctoral level in ergonomics sciences and physiology of exercise. Lecture in physiology also  at undergraduate students of several Study Program such as Medical Students, Nurse,Dentistry, Physiotherapy, Psychology and Public Health.

Various positions ever held as the Vice Dean III ( students affairs) at Faculty of Medicine (1994-1998). Chairman of Master Program of Ergonomics- Work Physiology (2006-2010}. Chairman of the Program Study of Nursing Science (2013-2017), Chairman of the Association of Indonesian Physiological Society- Bali branch (2014-2017).

Various topics lectures were given was Physiology of medicine , Sports physiology , Ergonomics and  Safety and health.

Participate in various congress and scientific meetings in accordance with physiology and ergonomics areas that is take place inside and outside the country. Participated in the Congress and Scientific Meeting of the World Ergonomics Association in Maastrich , Holland (2006), in Beijing China (2009 ), in Melbourne Australia (2015). 

Become a member of various organizations such as :  the Indonesian Doctors Association (IDI), the Indonesian Physiological Association (Ikatan Ahli Ilmu Faal), the Indonesian Ergonomics Association (Perhimpunan Ergonomi Indonesia).