• dnwib@dps.centrin.net.id
  • Fakultas Kedokteran


Prof. Dr. dr. I Dewa Nyoman Wibawa, Sp.PD-KGEH  was born on  Klungkung, November 17th 1952.

Lecturer and Professor in the division of Gastroenterohepatology, Internal Medicine Department, Faculty of Medicine, Udayana University.

Chief of Gastroentero-Hepatology Division, Department of Internal Medicine. Medical Faculty Udayana University/Sanglah General Hospital


Academic Appointment and Activities:

Medical Doctor, Udayana University (1979)

Specialty in Internal Medicine, Diponegoro University (1986)

Consultant in Gastroentero-Hepatology, Indonesia Association of Internal Medicine (1997)

PhD, University of Airlangga (2000)


Awards and Qualifications:

Medika Award (1999)

Sujono Hadi Award (2010)


The organization, currently as a member of:

Indonesian Doctors Association

Indonesian Internal Medicine Specialist Association

Indonesian Society of Gastroenterology

Indonesian Society of Digestive Endoscopy

Indonesian Association for the Study of the Liver