Smart City, Industri 4.0, and SPBE

11/08/2021 Views : 247

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        Since it was launched in 2014, Smart City has become one of the jargons conveyed by the central government and local governments in the development process. Smart City is no longer focused on only urban areas because currently, its implementation has extended to the scope of the village, island, and district hierarchies. Regarding Smart City, one of the things that are currently the main focus in 2021 is the implementation and collaboration with the concept of Industry 4.0 and the Electronic-Based Government System (SPBE).

         Industry 4.0 is not a new concept, but the development of previously existing concepts, namely Industry 1.0 (invention of the steam engine), Industry 2.0 (electricity), Industry 3.0 (computers, computer networks, internet, and websites), and currently Industry 4.0 (application of artificial intelligence, data, and automation). Meanwhile, the Electronic-Based Government System (SPBE) is another form of E-Government, namely the use of Information Technology (IT) to support all government services for the community and improve government performance and governance.
         Based on the explanation above, the implementation of Smart City by utilizing the concept of Industry 4.0 and SPBE, requires not only the role of Information Technology but also integration. The integration in question includes integration on the data, application, middleware, and related stakeholder sides. This makes Smart City based on Industry 4.0 in the application of SPBE, must be able to collaborate with all parties and related elements and not only rely on Information Technology alone. The government, society, academia, and industry must work together in realizing a 4.0-based Smart City along with the running SPBE.

         The current implementation of Smart City is no longer only limited to the coverage of urban areas, but also villages, islands, provinces, districts. The implementation of Smart City does not only focus on the use of Information Technology but also applies the concept of Industry 4.0 and SPBE which involves community entities, government, and industry.

Bibliography :

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