30/06/2020 Views : 229

Ni Made Anggita Sastri Mahadewi

    Batuan Village, Sukawati sub-district, Gianyar Regency is one of the villages that is responsive in carrying out the Child-Friendly Village (DLA) program. In the Convention on the Rights of the Child there are 5 clusters of rights and the five clusters of child rights are realized by Desa Batuan with the heading Community Gema Together to Protect Children "Diamond echoes" aimed at providing protection to children. Here are 5 clusters of children's rights; 1) Civil rights and freedoms; 2) Family Environment and Alternative Care; 3) Basic Health and Welfare; 4) Education, Leisure Time Utilization, and Cultural Activities; 5) Special Protection. The 5 clusters were realized by Batuan Village through various programs and activities including;
1. Posyandu Plus (+) of poor KK families, as a form of fulfilling the basic health rights of children.
2. Tutoring for class VI children in Batuan Village, this activity is carried out in order to fulfill the rights of education to the maximum.
3. Tutoring to learn about Rock Style painting.
4. Children's Sekaa Gong Training.
5. Tabuh Genggong art training is an activity to fulfill educational rights, the use of leisure time especially cultural activities.
6. Pasraman Budi Pekerti.
7. Budget for Supplementary Feeding (PMT), this activity is carried out to meet the children's basic health needs and welfare.

    Batuan Village has also formed a Community-Based Integrated Child Protection Activist (PATBM) whose job is to supervise and develop child protection programs. PATBM is focused on efforts to protect violence against children and prevent abuse, neglect, exploitation and violence that can affect the lives of children. In the implementation of the PATBM program, it is carried out by cadres, one of which is the PKDRT cadre (Combating Domestic Violence). This cadre consists of youth, medical, PKK, police, teachers, and others. The other cadre is BKB (Toddler Family Development) as well. The program for BKB cadres is to intensify Toddler Family Development activities in each banjar.
BKB is a place of education and guidance for families who have children under five about child care. In the BKB group, parents are given guidance on education and childcare efforts, so they have skills in caring for children. In addition, other activities carried out by PATBM are by providing free painting lessons to elementary school children in class III, IV and V in the whole of Batuan Village. This painting tutoring activity is held to maintain the name of Batuan Village through the characteristics of Batuan Traditional Paintings at national and international levels. In order to support this painting tutoring activity, Batuan Village Perbekel issued Batu Perbekel Decree Number: 400/10 / II / 2015 concerning the Formation of the Rock Rock Perbekel Traditional Paint Group.
    Another program owned by PATBM is Posyandu Plus Desa Batuan. This Posyandu aims to fulfill one of the 10 children's rights, namely health. This Posyandu Plus targets poor households with a weak economy in Batuan Village. Another program to fulfill 10 children's rights in health is the Population, Family Planning and Family Development Program (KKBPK). The KKBPK program is one of the collaborative programs with the Sukawati 1 Public Health Unit and the Sukawati District KB Unit 1. This program consists of 4 pillars, namely a program to improve access to family planning services to the community, adolescent reproductive health programs, family resilience programs and family institutional strengthening. The DLA activities that are held to preserve culture are through the training of children seka goong and training in gamelan music. Other activities owned are Pasraman Budi Pekerti activities. This activity was carried out in each Pakraman Village with the aim of fostering young people, especially children, by giving lessons on character and making ceremonial facilities for ceremonial activities.
    The implementation of these activities does not always run smoothly, there are various obstacles in their implementation including; 1) the community's lack of awareness and embarrassment in reporting cases related to the protection of women and children it faces, 2) the implementation of customary rules to official rules cannot yet be carried out and the articles of association related to DLA have not been prepared. Regardless of the existing problems, the government and the people of Batuan Village have a high commitment to realize a DLA that is truly appropriate for children. Proven these activities are consistently carried out once a week. Related to the drive for achievement that is increasing the class of Gianyar Regency, this act became the main goal of Batuan Village in implementing various DLA programs, it was used as a supporting motivation. The most important thing is to protect and fulfill the rights of children.



Buku Profil Desa Batuan. 2016. Profil Desa Batuan. Gianyar: Desa Batuan

Tanziha, Ikeu., Sriwulan Ferindian Faletehan, dan Margaharta Iskandar (Tim Penyususn). 2015. Modul Pengembangan Desa/Kelurahan Layak Anak : One Student Save One Family (OSSOF). Jakarta: Kementerian Pemberdayaan Perempuan dan Perlindungan Anak RI, Fakultas Ekologi Manusia-IPB, dan Pusat Kajian Gender dan Anak –LPPM IPB.

Website Resmi Desa Batuan. (2016). Desa Layak Anak. (diakses 5 Februari 2019).