New Ways to Travel During the Covid-19 Pandemic
01/01/2021 Views : 233
Dian Pramita Sugiarti
The pandemic caused by the Covid-19 virus paralyzed many sectors of activity in society, including the tourism sector, so a tourism promotion strategy through virtual traveling was needed. Traveling on a tour is of course a difficult thing to do because of restrictions on activities carried out by the government to reduce the rate of spread. Activities are forced to be carried out in the house, although certain types of work are allowed to carry out activities. Staying at home and unable to travel can certainly cause stress in itself. Well, the Ministry of Tourism and Creative Economy has created a new way of traveling through virtual tourism. This virtual tour has a wider range of tourist destinations so that people can visit various tourist destinations while at home. This service invites participants to travel together through various online media, a guide is also provided who will lead the course of the activity, just like what is usually done in the real world. This promotional strategy is expected to be able to increase tourist interest in virtual traveling, create more digital tourism for the future, ease of travel, suppression of travel costs, sustainability of virtual traveling.
Through Hastag at home alone, the government and tourism managers hope to meet the demands of tourists so they can travel safely through this virtual tourism program. From this virtual tourism, many new tourist destinations that are being developed have sprung up so that it is hoped that they will become major tourist destination visits after the pandemic period ends.