19/08/2020 Views : 378



Udayana University Community Service Team
Dr. Ir I Gusti Ngurah Nitya Santhiarsa, MT
Dr I Gusti Agung Alit Suryawati, SSos, MSi
Ir Ni M Dwidiani, MASc
Prof. Dr. Tjok Tirta Nindhia, ST, MT

Email: nitya_santhiarsa@unud.ac.id

Garbage is a material mainly in the form of solids, comes from various materials with various characters, mainly organic and inorganic, some are ordinary and some are B3, and some come from domestic and some are processed by factories. Waste is material that is no longer needed by the owner or the rest of production and consumption / use is then discarded (with the hope that someone else will handle it / own it). In fact, garbage is a problem, a big problem for all city residents. For the owner, this material has no economic value or has very little economic value. So the key word, waste is a collection of material that is no longer needed by the owner. There are two main things about waste, namely the type of waste and the volume of waste, there are two types of waste in general, namely organic waste, consisting of material derived from living things such as animal manure and leaf cuttings, and inorganic waste, the material is from the remains of processed inorganic objects such as plastics, metals and ceramics. Then the volume of waste, is the amount of waste in volume units (m3), namely the surface area covered by the waste multiplied by
the height of the pile of garbage. These two things are often discussed when the waste problem is discussed, and solutions are sought to overcome them.
One of the effective ways to solve the waste problem in the city is to build a paradigm of waste is money or gold, or waste is a high economic value item, or the problem turns into a blessing. How does waste become a necessity? How to turn trash into gold? The answer is the same!

Garbage in Denpasar City

The volume of waste in Denpasar City is around 600-800 tons / day (/radarbali.jawapos.com/read/2019/12/26), and if there are holidays such as Galungan and Kuningan, and if there is a large festival, it will increase by around 40 % of normal volume. Most of the waste comes from domestic and market activities, so most of it
is organic waste.
In general, waste management in big cities uses the role of the Environmental and Sanitation Service (DLHK) and the private sector through the Garbage Bank. The Waste Bank plays a more important role in the upstream zone of waste production, namely in Banjar or housing, and DLHK plays a more role in the downstream zone of waste production, namely at TPS and TPA. Both parties have worked hard enough but because the volume of waste is so large and continues to increase, the results of the work are felt to be not optimal. This can be seen from the accumulation of garbage in the TPS, especially at the TPA. The waste problem is a “Time Bomb” problem. If it is not resolved, then the garbage that has accumulated in the TPA will catch fire and explode (due to the high methane gas content). When compared to other big cities, Denpasar City has actually implemented the 4R method, with REUSE, reuse, REDUCE, reduce consumption, RECYCLE, recycle or process again, and REPLACE, replace with natural materials, with low yields, which not yet is the method of destroying and burning with an incinerator,
where the combustion heat becomes a heater for an electric generator turbine driving boiler and the ash from the combustion is used as a material for structural construction, which is relatively expensive in investment and requires high expertise. Is there another way that is moderate, meaning moderate costs and optimal results? Hopefully the method above, namely changing the paradigm!

Circulation Principle
The paradigm or perspective of waste is gold based on the principle of circulation or cycle or cycle of processes, a principle based on the natural cycles of life components on earth, such as the water cycle, time cycle, seasonal cycle and so on. Cyclical motion is the main motion of life, the motion of nature, where the result of this cycle is the creation of balance and harmony. The principle of
circulation in waste handling is as follows:
1. The garbage is collected moving from everyone, from upstream to downstream, from rivers to sea, from villages to cities, and from TPS to TPA, which is clear from a little to a lot. So it is easier to solve the waste problem in the upstream zone because the amount is small.
2. Waste is immediately processed or recycled into useful products, such as for the Four F's, namely Food, Feed, Fertilizer and Fuel.
3. Natural law states that to increase the economic value of a material, sufficient resources are required. What are those resources?
4. First, power or energy, such as human power, electrical energy and heat energy, second, it takes time, third, it needs machines and equipment including materials, fourth it needs costs or capital, and fifth it needs government policies, regulations, and supervision and of course



[1] Basriyanta, 2007, Memanen Sampah, Penerbit Kanisius, Yogyakarta

[2] Kurniawan, Oswan, Marsono, 2008, Superkarbon, Bahan Bakar Alternative Pengganti Minyak Tanah dan Gas, Penebar Swadaya,  Depok

[3] Sofian, 2006, Sukses membuat Kompos dari Sampah, PT agromedia Pustaka, Depok