Development of Tourism’s Spatial Planning to Revitalize Local Culture.

23/06/2020 Views : 454


In obtaining a spatial-oriented tourism development pattern in the central Bali region that has much agricultural potential, the general issues of tourism development that have been done in Bali are reviewed. The exploration becomes a picture, reference, and foundation to analyze the spatial planning in other places in Bali that have different characters, including the developed tourist areas located on the beach: Sanur, Nusa Dua, Kuta, and tourism development in the plains/ mountains such as: Ubud, and Kintamani.

The development of the Sanur and Kuta tourism areas, in general, does not yet have a clear concept and prediction of how they will be in the future. Development of facilities and infrastructure develops naturally, sporadically, as if where there are spaces and potential, tourism facilities and infrastructure are developed. The development of hotels, restaurants, inns, villas, museums, and others is developing rapidly by utilizing existing and less controlled spaces. Meanwhile, Nusa Dua had previously conducted studies in advance to get the concepts, patterns, and development systems applied. However, the social spaces in the beach have decreased in value due to the prohibition, restrictions on the use of public space for daily activities/ fishermen, as well as ritual activities, and processions of religious and religious ceremonies.

Ubud, with its panoramic views of the countryside in the form of cliffs, rivers with clear water, terraced rice fields, shrubs, and the residential atmosphere, is a typical Ubud view that can provide tranquility and inspiration for tourists. However, the beauty of Ubud painted and written in books now can only be found in paintings or books. The reality is far different and has many changes. The utilization of space-based local rules has changed a lot due to space demands for the benefit of tourism support facilities, such as kiosks, souvenir shops, bars, restaurants, hotels, inns. Considering the wide of the spaces still exist while activities increase, the utilization of space is made as optimal as possible so. This optimization shifts or eliminates the nuanced local space which is the identity of the local settlements and one of the tourist attractions, such as the disappearance of the angkul-angkul, lebuh (outer space at the door enter the yard), telajakan, and karang tuang (green open space in the village). Meanwhile, Kintamani is one of the mountain tourism destinations or highlands with the main potential in the form of mountain panorama, Caldera Mountain and Lake Batur. However, in its development, the construction of houses, villas, restaurants, and other supporting facilities disturb the beauty of the scenery towards the mountains and lakes so that it can reduce the value of the beauty of the region.

The development of the Central Bali region needs to be planned in an integrated manner by seeing the problem of developing tourism in various regions in Bali. The potential that exists in the Central Bali region is very feasible to develop. However, in developing it is necessary to see, analyze, and compare with other developed tourism areas, to find out the problems that occur in the developed areas, such as the development of the Nusa Dua, Kuta, Sanur, Ubud and Kintamani areas, where Sanur and Nusa Dua are coastal area development. At the same time, Ubud and Kintamani are mountainous areas.

If the development of Central Bali tourism relies on the natural potential of the environment and the culture of its people, then the development of tourism should be able to guarantee the sustainability of the natural potential of the environment as well as the social culture of its people. In maintaining the potential sustainability of the natural environment, the development of tourism should be based on the maintenance and improvement (revitalization) of the quality of the natural environment, which is the mainstay of tourist attraction. This effort can be made by regulating the use of space that can and can be developed, improving the quality of natural resources that attract tourists and provide benefits to the community, preserving and conserving the natural environment that is not feasible to be developed and influencing other areas in Bali. Like for example improving the quality of plantations which means increasing tourist attractiveness while increasing community income, so does the use of the natural environment which is a source of water for Central Bali and Bali as a whole, because Central Bali has a significant influence on the availability of water from its subordinates. Utilization of Gembrong water sources as a bad case.  The water is used and planned without integrated spatial planning. So, although there is no shortage of water in dry season, there is a lack of water in the downstream areas due to reduction in the source, unlike the use of water for irrigation purposes, which will eventually flow downstream and can be used on a rolling basis.

The community's socio-cultural potential is strongly influenced by the place, space, and time of humanity. So space plays an essential role in maintaining social and cultural sustainability. Agricultural land as a place and components of space plays an essential role in the formation of the socio-cultural community, such as

1.     the emergence of the art of dwelling with its building arrangements with jineng or gelebeg buildings as one of the building units for storing rice,

2.     ceremonial processions from start planting rice, pregnant rice, harvesting, and the procession of rice storage ceremonies,

3.     free time filling by combining karapan sapi with okoakan,

4.     unity tied to subak organizations, and functional Bedugul Temple (subak temple) serves as a subak protector.

Changes in spatial use patterns will have an impact on socio-cultural changes in the community, such as changes in planting patterns of new/superior types of rice that have, cropping patterns, storage patterns, and growing time separately, causing several changes such as changes in shape and the scarcity of traditional storage forms rice, the loss of megacikan activities due to no time between the harvest and the next planting period, the loss of a kite game of relatively large size in the paddy fields during the planting interval. That spaces need to be maintained to improve the quality of the natural environment and the quality of human life as well, as well as maintaining the social culture of the people.