UNUD Presents Community Service KKN tematic, Themes: desa adat Tough of Corona Virus in COVID-19 Pandemics.

08/05/2020 Views : 810

I Nyoman Suarsana

Udayana University (Unud) will continue to hold a Community Work Study and Community Empowerment Program (KKN PPM) on July 13 to August 23, 2020 although there is no certainty that the Covid-19 pandemic will be over. This time Unud implemented the Unud Thematic Community Service Program "DESA ADAT TANGGUH  COVID-19", Mentoring and Empowerment Program. This was stated by the Chairperson of KKN LPPM  Unud and the Secretary of LPPM Udayana University, Prof. Dr. drh. I Nyoman Suarsana, MSi.

Unud is an institution that has the duty and role to serve the community and its role is very much needed in the context of Covid-19 pandemic mitigation. Broadly speaking, the KKN activities are mentoring and empowerment activities aimed at assisting the community in the process of strengthening the community's potential, and the capacity of the community in indigenous villages for the purpose of mitigating the Covid-19 pandemic. The potential of thematic community service assistance for community-based Covid-19 resilient villages aims to encourage students to apply a variety of knowledge not limited to health science, which is useful to help the community prevent the spread of Covid-19 and in strengthening the resilient traditional village of Covid-19.

KKN activities in the period-XXI of 2020 existed in the covid pandemic conditions, which this condition would certainly make the KKN stages not ideal as in the previous conditions. But still maintaining quality. Force Majeure situation, in an emergency for humanity and its benefits are for humanity. The Institute for Research and Community Service (LPPM) has opened KKN registration since April 24 and is still in the process of verification until May 20, 2020. Participants in the Unud thematic KKN have already registered 3,162 people and by the end of registration an estimated 3,500 students from 13 faculties in Unud will join the Community Service Program. Each village will be occupied by 2 groups of KKN students and focus more on traditional banjars, explained Prof. Suarsana.

A series of Covid-19 pandemic mitigation activities carried out immediately to be addressed and reduce the impact, which includes promotion and preventive activities through communication, information, and education to the public related to the spread of Covid-19. The program of activities is focused on 3 areas, namely the field of public health (public health) and environmental health (sex); social economic sector; and education sector. The Public Health and Welfare Program covers syndrome surveillance and health promotion, Covid-19 prevention education facilities, PHBS, sanitation and the provision of hand sanitizers, environmental health education and disinfection. In the socioeconomic field the programs offered include tough logistics, creating vendor databases, inventory and training for workers exposed to layoffs, and digital marketing for independent businesses. While in the field of education include informal teaching / tutoring activities for elementary-junior high school children as well as tips to accompany children to study at home.

The implementation mechanism, said Prof. Suarsana, Thematic KKN Unud will be carried out online-the combination means that it will be done ONLINE using social media and in COMBINATION with field activities with the frequency and the number of students is limited and rotated accompanied by the field supervisor (DPL). The KKN implementing committee will collaborate with the Provincial Government of Bali, Regional Government of District-Kodya, as well as the Covid-19 Task Force at the provincial, district-level, village and Unud Co-19 Task Force. In conducting community service activities both on campus and in the field, students and DPL continue to follow the Covid-19 prevention protocol, which is doing physical distancing, using masks, face sheald and hands glove. Meanwhile, in order to assist student activities in the field, the Institute for Research and Community Service (LPPM) has prepared the necessary facilities and infrastructure such as the provision of hand sanitizers, disinfectants and masks, he said.