26/06/2020 Views : 722
I Nyoman Suarsana
Udayana University (Unud) is an institution that has the duty and role to serve the community and its role is needed in order to mitigate the Covid-19 pandemic. Although there is no certainty when the Covid-19 pandemic will end, Unud for the first time will carry out a Thematic Community Service Program with the theme: "Desa Adat Tangguh" Covid-19. The implementation is different from the previous KKN, where KKN activities will be carried out online-in combination.
Thematic KKN is planned to take place starting July 11 s.d. August 23, 2020. If the previous KKN students lived in villages and mingled with the community, this time the 21st KKN period did not live in the villages. Online activities are interpreted as, student activities with students and with Field Supervising Lecturers (DPL) conducted online (online). There can still be a limited number of meetings with DPL on campus and the implementation must still follow the Instructions of Rector Unud Number 3/ 2020 concerning the New Normal Order at Udayana University. Student activities at the home or campus include making plyers, posters, videos, practical books or appropriate technology books (TTG) about education to prevent the spread of co-19, about the economy in the post pandemic and covid period, including also about the education of school children. In addition, there is also the manufacture of masks, Hand sanitizers (HS), disinfectants etc. which are related to covid-19 prevention.
The combined activities are interpreted as follows, the results of student activity products on campus will be submitted to the village, through the village head or custom village or task force covid-19 "gotong royong" in village. During a visit to the village there could be limited empowerment that can be done by students and DPL. Field student visits are also limited and frequency is also reduced. This visit must be accompanied by DPL. During their activities in the village, students and DPL continued to use the covid-19 prevention protocol, using masks, gloves, KKN clothes, keeping a distance, and carrying HS. Thus the purpose of KKN Unud is still achieved, not reducing quality, although it is recognized that it is still not optimum. Given this is the condition of Force Majeure. In law there is the principle of "Lex niminen logit imposibelia" meaning the law may not force or regulate beyond or beyond human capability, in this case the law is defeated by human factors.
The locations of KKN for the XXI period were 85 villages, which were spread out in the Denpasar city, regency of Badung, Tabanan, Klungkung, and Gianyar. Each village is occupied by 2 groups of KKN students. Each group consists of 22-24 KKN students.
The interesting thing in this online KKN combination is to give the opportunity for Unud students who are in the "Mudik" place to do KKN in their original place. Students who are outside Bali and have KKN in this place of origin will have an impact and expand the utilization of Unud KKN throughout the archipelago.