20/06/2020 Views : 200
I Gst. A. Kt. Gd. Suasana
Entrepreneurship education is basically not teaching someone to do business, but exploring and developing individual competencies that are reflected in the characteristics of entrepreneurship. The direct intervention of entrepreneurship education is on character building as an embodiment of mental revolution. Entrepreneurship education instills an individual's understanding in terms of opening up insights, thought patterns and awareness, to determine interests or life choices and later life (career). Options for one's career choice are generally two, namely; work at other institutions / people (ASN or employees) and create their own jobs (entrepreneurship).
The choice of entrepreneurial interests of
university graduates in Indonesia is considered low compared to neighboring
countries in ASEAN. Data shows that of 7.02 million unemployed people in
Indonesia, 13 percent are unemployed college graduates (BPS, 2016). Therefore,
entrepreneurship is one of the main subjects in the tertiary curriculum in
Indonesia. Every student must learn about entrepreneurship and can also be
associated with academic specialization (Nyello et al., 2015). The
entrepreneurial mental attitude of the students, can be instilled in a way; 1)
integrating entrepreneurship education into the curriculum, and 2) packaging
student extracurricular activities systemically and directed to build
entrepreneurial motivation and mental attitude (Wibowo, 2011: 76).
education, in general, is an educational process that applies the principles
and methodology towards the formation of the skills and life skills of
students, through an integrated curriculum developed in tertiary institutions.
Such education is education that is oriented to the formation of an
entrepreneurial spirit. The spirit of entrepreneurship is meant courage and
willingness to face life's problems and lives naturally, creatively to find
solutions, be independent, and not depend on others (Sutrisno, 2003: 3).
Entrepreneurial skills are like a currency, on the one hand is knowledge and academic
achievement, while on the other hand is creativity and innovation (Hendro,
2011: 17). Thus, the role of the university becomes very strategic in
revolutionizing the mentality of students to explore and develop mental
attitudes and mindsets about their interest in entrepreneurial careers. In the
end, universities not only produce job seekers, but also produce young
entrepreneurs who are armed with academic intelligence and emotional
intelligence that is well established.
In general, students'
obsession with entrepreneurship is to create a new and large company, even
though the perception of eligibility is not positive. intention is the specific
tendency of individuals to take an action or series of actions and it is the
result of the conscious mind directing the behavior of each individual (Parker,
2004). The main determinants of entrepreneurial intentions are individual
beliefs to start and run their own businesses, as an alternative career choice
in the future, and individual beliefs can be formed through education, in
addition to environmental factors (Davidsson, 1995; Sugiantari and Suasana,
2016; Darmayanti and Suasana, 2018 ). Entrepreneurship education provides the
highest supporting contribution to entrepreneurial intentions, followed by
attitudes and behavioral factors (Kadir et al., 2012). Thus, professional
education support is expected to provide a real solution for each individual to
get a concrete understanding of entrepreneurial knowledge. Higher education
should be able to act as an actor to explore and develop the entrepreneurial
characteristics of its students. Higher education must also realize that to
produce quality graduates, it requires an entrepreneurship education curriculum
that integrates affective, cognitive, and psychomotor aspects (Santoso, 2013).
Successful entrepreneurship education should be able to improve the individual
competencies of each student as a basis that can be applied in future career
choices. The entrepreneurial characteristics include; courage to take risks, confident,
future oriented, results oriented, and so on.