Standard of Foreign Investment Dispute Settlement
25/06/2020 Views : 245
Made Suksma Prijandhini Devi Salain
is one of the ways for States to increasing the income and public welfare.
There are two kinds of investments, domestic and foreign investment. Indonesia
as one of the developing country is being target of the investor. But, the
existence of foreign investment is not always giving positive impact. It also
giving negative impact: undermine the environment and investment dispute
between corporations or between corporations and host country. For an example:
Freeport case which is extended its work contract in Indonesia was not obey the
terms that gave by Indonesia government. Another case is investment dispute
between corporations because of the contract default. The foreign investment
dispute settlement becomes difficult when it involves different legal system
between the home country and host country. The involvement of different legal
systems is arising question how about regulation standard and procedure of the
foreign investment dispute settlement under international law. These problems
are analyzed by normative legal research. The result shows that there are some
standard of regulation according to foreign investment dispute settlement under
international law. First of all, the foreign investment cooperation shall
transformed into an international contract which is contain three important
elements, such as: choice of law, choice of dispute settlement and choice of
forum. Second, the foreign investment dispute could be settled through ICC,
UNCITRAL, DSB WTO and ICSID. Selection of the dispute settlement is based on
consensus between the parties and shall be transformed into an international