01/07/2020 Views : 208

I Ketut Westra

Sustainable tourism (sustainable tour)

Bali Regional Regulation No. 2 of 2012 states that Bali Cultural Tourism is Bali tourism which is based on Balinese culture imbued with Hinduism and the philosophy of Tri Hita Karana as the main potential in tourism as a vehicle for actualization, so as to realize a dynamic interrelationship between tourism and culture which makes them develop synergistically, harmoniously and sustainably to be able to provide prosperity for the community as well as cultural and environmental sustainability. Sustainable tourism is listed in the "Charter for Sustainable Tourism" and The Sustainable Tourism Plan of Action "Tourism development shall be based on criteria of sustainability, which means that it must be. as wellas ethically equitable for the local commonities The definitions of tourism and visitors as referred to in the UN WTO Global Code of Ethics for Tourism when associated with the Tourism Law in Indonesia, the definition seems closer to the definition of "tourism", although in Indonesia travel restrictions for the characteristics are only mentioned in a "temporary" period, whereas in the UN WTO Global Code of Ethics definition expressly states the limit is "no more than one year". From the concept of "tourism" which is put forward both in the context of the UN WTO Global Code of Ethics which clearly states that the duration of the visit is "no more than a year" or in the context of the understanding of "tourism" UUK whose deadline is "temporary", then it starts from this time span can be studied about any human rights issues related to a tourism activity.

In the national perspective in Indonesia, in line with the definition of sustainable development as stipulated in the UN WTO Global Code of Ethics for Tourism, through the provisions of Article 1 (3) of Law No. 32 of 2009 concerning Environmental Protection and Management also raised the notion of sustainable development as a conscious and planned effort that integrates environmental, social, and economic aspects into development strategies to ensure environmental integrity and the safety, capability, welfare and quality of life of future generations present and future generations. In the Law on Tourism in Indonesia, arrangements for sustainable development are listed in the section "Considering letter c" which states that tourism is an integral part of national development that is carried out systematically, planned, integrated, sustainable, and responsible with continue to provide protection for religious values, the culture that lives in society, the preservation and quality of the environment, and national interests.
Related to the achievement of sustainable tourism development (development of sustainable tourism) there are three important pillars that must be considered and maintained harmony namely: economic, environmental and social balance and coupled with the pillars of climate change. The issue of climate change has an influence both directly and indirectly on economic and socio-cultural developments. Obligations and responsibilities for environmental preservation always seem to exist in various concepts regarding the development of tourism or tourism as sustainable tourism. In Law No. 10 of 2009 concerning Tourism although not explicitly stated referring to or ratifying the UN WTO Global Code of Ethics for Tourism, but its recognition and compliance with the Soft Law is actually reflected in Article 5 (g) which states "Complying with the code of ethics of world tourism and international agreements in tourism ".
Has been explained above related to the definition of sustainable tourism and has been referred to by the UN WTO and national policies in Indonesia. One of the desired points in sustainable tourism is that in developing tourism, it must pay attention to the development of a culture of society that is in harmony with the environment and so on. It has also been thought out about its cultural concept in 1980 in Manila at the World Tourism Conference, which emphasized new priorities in the social, cultural and educational aspects of tourism. "... tourism has taken a cultural and moral dimension which must be protected against all negative distortions caused by economic factors. Other world statements regarding the recognition and protection of tourism and cultural relations are emphasized at various world conferences." All cultures are part of human variants. For this we must recognize the equal dignity of all world cultures and the rights of all ethnic groups and every cultural community to express, preserve and respect cultural identity ". (UNESCO 1982, articles 4 & 9)

Tourism development and development is sustainable development as determined in the Pacific Ministers Conference on Tourism and Environment in the 1997 Maldives which mentions the principles of sustainable tourism that includes local welfare, job creation, conservation of natural resources, maintenance and improvement of quality of life, balance inter and inter-generational distribution. Based on the postulation framework, the next strategic step is elaboration in a series of policies to encourage, strengthen and enforce the concept of sustainable tourism. Law No. 10/2009 concerning Tourism mandates that tourism is an integral part of national development that is carried out systematically, planned, integrated, sustainable, and accountable while still protecting the values ​​of religion, culture that lives and develops in society, sustainability the environment, and national interests. Seta article 2 states that one of the principles of the implementation of tourism is sustainability.
          Indonesian tourism has a characteristic that is cultural tourism and natural wealth that has close connectivity with the ability of the socio-cultural environmental conditions as a buffer for the implementation of Indonesian tourism. The success of organizing tourism can be achieved by the integration and synergy between community forces, social organizations, such as the village of Pakeraman and its banjars, subak organizations, coercive organizations as religious organizations related to temples, government, media, and cultural actors and actors tourism. but in reality the preservation, strengthening of cultural values, cultural development become neglected and receive less attention from the government, while cultural values ​​are the soul or spirit of Indonesian tourism. The development and strengthening of tourism currently only focuses on developing the economic aspects and infrastructure of supporters and supporters of tourism. Tourism business is everything that is done to serve the needs of tourists with and for profit. Management of tourism as a business, then every effort undertaken must be able to apply the principles of benefits, coordination, economy of the people (trickle down effect), and uphold the value of national personalityThe development of Tourism in Bali has had an impact on the development of tourism-supporting businesses including: Restaurant business, resting, transportation services, craft centers, small tourism industries (cindramata), to maximize the economic impact of tourism, relations to other sectors related to the economic sector must be increased , as an effort to increase people's income. Supporting industry is all services both in the form of services, goods and activities needed by tourists in tourist destinations. The development of tourism as an industry that has a very large influence on various aspects of human life and as a foreign exchange earner for the State, to realize sustainable tourism development is very it is necessary to support the Government in making policies both the Central Government and the Regional Government through legislation relating to tourism, especially with regard to financing arrangements in strengthening, maintaining, and maintaining cultural values ​​as the main and most important element of tourism.