to Know COVID-19 in ChildrenImpact
on Children’s DevelopmentI
Gusti Ayu Trisna Windiani In a Webinar held by the Indonesian
Pediatrician Association (Ikatan Dokter Anak Indonesia/IDAI) on June 26th
2020, I was the panellist and delivered a session with topic of “Impact on
Children’s Development”. In COVID-19 Pandemic, there were
positive and negative impacts not only growth but also development. Positive
impact of COVID-19 are families have more quality time and time-flexibility.
Families have more time to do personal and family interest. Families can
reflect more on spiritual activities. In the pandemic situation, there are
cleaner air. Families are also urged to level up their information and technology
Impact on development is increased
screen time. Children are at risk of addiction, cyber bullying and abusive
behavior. Children lost the opportunities of playing outdoor and meeting their
friends. They also lost their chance to learn in school. Psychological impacts
such as boredom, restlessness and anxiety might affect children.
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Stimulation of Child Development During the Covid-19 Pandemic