Mental Health in COVID-19 Pandemic“Impact
of COVID-19 Pandemic on Children’s Growth and Development”I
Gusti Ayu Trisna Windiani To commemorate National Children’s
Day, The Indonesian Association of Psychiatrist (Persatuan Dokter Spesialis Kejiwaan
Indonesia/PDSKJI) Denpasar held a Webinar on July 26th, 2020. I was
the speaker on the topic “Impact of COVID-19 Pandemic on Children’s Growth and
COVID-19 Pandemic has several
impacts on children’s growth and development. Prolonged global economic crisis
can impact children’s growth causing malnutrition, undernourished or obesity.
Malnutrition is caused by inability of family to provide adequate nutrition to
the child. On the other hand, lack of activity leads to obesity. Children also
experienced psychological effects such as anxiety, restlessness, sleeping
disorder and depression risk. There is also increased screen time, as we know
that every learning process is converted to virtual meeting. Children is at
risk of addiction and cyber bullying. Physical, psychological and sexual abuse
cases are increasing. Immunization coverage declined caused by limited health
services and fear of going to healthcare. Children are at risk to suffer from
preventable diseases.
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Stimulation of Child Development During the Covid-19 Pandemic