The Bussiness Of Tourism Management
I Nyoman Tri Sutaguna, S.ST., M.Par Muhammad Yusuf, S.Sos.,M.M
ISBN : 9786233537599 Published : 2023
The tourism sector is one sector that has a significant impact on the global economy. Along with the rapid growth in this industry, management effective and sustainable tourism is becoming more and more important. The book "Tourism Business Management" comes as a comprehensive and informative guide for professionals, students, and all parties interested in the industry tourist. This book discusses various important aspects in tourism management, starting from basic concepts to latest developments in the industry. In each chapter, Readers will be given in-depth insight into the strategy marketing, hotel operations, destination management, sustainability, and other key aspects related to business
tourist. Writers with industry experience tourism takes readers through various case studies, practical understanding, as well as in-depth views that will help them understand the challenges and opportunities within tourism business today. We hope this book will be a valuable source of knowledge and help readers in developing their understanding of management tourism business