Dr. Amruddin, M.Pd., M.Si, Dr. Dra. Rini Werdiningsih, M.S, Lusiana, S.Si., M.Pd, I Nyoman Tri Sutaguna, S.ST.Par., M.Par, Dr. Henny Saida Flora, SH., M.Hum., M.Kn, Dr. Kasmanto Rinaldi, SH., M.Si, Dr. Najamuddin Petta Solong, M.Ag, Tri Wahyu Widodo, M.A,

ISBN : 978-623-90016-9-8 Published : 2023


Sociologically, education is a cultural heritage from generation to generation, so that people's lives are sustainable, and that community's identity is maintained. Social culture is the part of human life that is closest to everyday life, and almost every human activity is inseparable from socio-cultural elements.

By studying cultural education methods, anthropology is beneficial for education. Where educators must do carefully. This is because the culture that exists and develops in society is unique, difficult to compare, so there must be a new, tentative comparison. Every investigation carried out by scientists will make a valuable contribution and influence education.

Educational anthropology is produced through special and separate experiments with a systematic study of educational practices in a cultural perspective, so that anthropology concludes that schools are a cultural object that becomes a value scheme in guiding society. However, there are times when a number of teaching methods are less effective than educational media, so it is in stark contrast to the data obtained in the field by anthropologists. The task of educators is not only to exploit cultural values ​​but to organize them and relate them to the thinking and practice of education as a whole.