Warkianto Widjaja, M.T, Abdul Munim, S.E., M.M, I Nyoman Tri Sutaguna, SST.Par., M.Par, Gusti Ayu Aghivirwiati, S.H., M.M, Khasanah, S.Pd., M.Kom., M.Pd, Dr. Dhiana Ekowati, SE., M.M, Dr. Yuli Purbaningsih, S.TP., M.P, Bekti Setiadi, S.E., M.M, Dr.Sutangs
ISBN : 978-623-88234-6-8 Published : 2022
Production and operations management is an effort to manage the optimal use of resources, including labor, machinery, equipment, raw materials and so on. Production and operations managers direct various inputs in order to produce various outputs or results in certain quantities, quality, price, time and place according to consumer demand.
Scheduling is an activity to determine when work is done. In the production process, scheduling plays an important role to allocate resources such as machines and labor. With good production scheduling, the company will not experience delays and will not receive complaints and late fees from customers.
It is for this purpose that this book, Production and Operations Management, is deliberately presented to readers. The purpose of this book is as a guide for everyone who wants to learn and deepen knowledge. This book is also to provide enlightenment to educators, students, educational actors, managers of educational institutions and society in general, in order to create a golden generation that has broad knowledge and insight.