Suhardi, Supriyati, Rusdi Raprayogha, I Nyoman Tri Sutaguna, Adrian Radiansyah, Hikmah Sekarningtyas, Ferdinandus Sampe, Rahmad Firdaus, Iwan Prasetyo, Machfudi, Yuanita Levany, Afrizal, Gusnafitri, Fadila Almahdali

ISBN : 978-623-09-0762-3 Published : 2022


Management in the present context can be interpreted as the science and art of managing limitations and uncertainties, it is already known that resources are limited, money owned by individuals and companies is limited, so financial management is needed, the personnel we can employ to complete a work matter are also limited, so resource management is needed. humans, consumer knowledge of how sophisticated or good the products or services we have is also limited, marketing management is needed and so on, these things are strong justifications that management is needed in the context of managing anything. Currently there is one more thing that must be managed, namely uncertainty, with developments and massive changes in the business environment, various ceteris paribus assumptions can no longer be the basis for the status quo that what we have today is the best and we can continuously maintain it. In short, today's management faces not only limitations but also uncertainties as a consequence of the changes that occur in the world of management practices. Managers cannot be proud of the precise strategy they have today, because tomorrow morning when they wake up their competitors are ready with a choice of other strategies that can beat the effectiveness of our strategy.

The intensity and complexity of the strategic, organizational and human resource challenges facing managers is steadily increasing. In most companies, managers at all levels are addressing these challenges by adopting new and improved management techniques and practices. On the sidelines, the slight difference in performance between companies adds to the intensity of competition, such as the speed with which a company brings a new product or service to market or the way a company motivates employees to reduce costs or improve performance. Managers and companies seek to bring together the best and proven management techniques and practices to support effective decision-making and to actions that increase effectiveness and efficiency over time. In addition, massive technological advances continue to change the way managers make decisions at all levels of the company hierarchy and across its functions and divisions

In any era, it is clear that management is still very much needed, both in a scientific context and as an art in bakelite in conditions of uncertainty. This book comes from practitioners and academics who are concerned about these limitations and uncertainties and seeks to present relevant and interesting references and readings for students, managers and management activists. Written in 14 chapters with a fairly comprehensive and structured discussion, the authors, according to their respective expertise, try to present well from a variety of different angles to conclude a series of needs for the knowledge and competencies of prospective future managers.