I Nyoman Tri Sutaguna
ISBN : 978-623-151-214-7 Published : 2023
An entrepreneur is not yet the choice of many people, especially for people who usually work in offices. But in real life, many people start their success from entrepreneurship. Usually a person is faced with this choice because of several considerations, maybe work in an office is no longer attractive or they want to develop themselves according to their potential.
Being an entrepreneur is a person who is able to coordinate, organize, and supervise. The person must have extensive knowledge of the business environment and make decisions about it. He can also manage a certain amount of capital and face uncertainty to make a profit. There are many business opportunities that can be achieved, whether it's entrepreneurship that started as just a hobby or was interested in pursuing it from the start.
Entrepreneurship can also increase income according to their own wishes. Starting an entrepreneur, a person is free to determine his own business and time. With will, knowledge, and determination, life choices become a promising entrepreneur. Hopefully the contents of this textbook can be implemented and useful for students, industry players and the community.