BUSINESS MANAGEMENT Business Model Renewal and Growth Strategy

Dra. Andi Reni Syamsuddin, M.SI., Ph.D Dr. Umi Suryani, ST., MBA Jana Siti Nor Khasanah, M.M.I I Nyoman Tri Sutaguna, S.ST.Par., M.Par

ISBN : 978-623-8364-48-0 Published : 2023


In an era full of challenges and ever-evolving business dynamics, companies are required to adapt and update their business models and growth strategies. This is a necessity to be able to remain competitive, survive and even grow in a competitive and rapidly changing business environment. This reference book, «Business Management: Business Model Renewal and Growth Strategy,» is present as our effort to provide comprehensive guidance for business leaders, managers, and decision makers who seek to carry out business model renewal and develop effective growth strategies. Book Contents: This book is divided into ten chapters, where each chapter discusses topics that are relevant and important in the process of renewing business models and company growth strategies. We will also highlight the challenges and opportunities faced in dealing with business change, and encourage enthusiasm to continue learning and developing business in a sustainable manner. Hopefully this book can provide valuable insight and practical guidance for you in understanding and dealing with changes in business models and growth strategies. Happy reading and good luck always accompanying your company's steps.