Drs. Afrizal zein, M.Kom, Tri Yusnanto, M.Kom, Nyoman Tri Sutaguna, S.ST.Par., M.Par, Trisna Rukhmana, S.Pd., M.Pd, Dr. Hambali, S.E., M.Pd, Tri Wahyu Widodo, M.A, Zaharah, M.Ed, Ida Riaeni, S.Sos., M.I.Kom, Khasanah, S.Pd., M.Kom., M.Pd

ISBN : 978-623-8157-25-9 Published : 2023


The development of Information and Communication Technology greatly contributes to humans in various fields, including in the field of education. Along with these developments, it can be seen that there have been changes in terms of learning methods in which there have been many developments, both personal learning methods, learning media or the learning process. The form of the development of information technology that is applied in the world of education is E-Learning. E-Learning is an effective learning process that is produced by combining digital delivery of material consisting of learning support and services, which is an innovation in the world of education that contributes greatly to changes in the learning process. Students will be more active in the learning process, teaching materials can be packaged in various dynamic formats and forms. The hallmark of the application of E-Learning in the world of education itself is the ability to achieve a high level of accuracy and learning achievement. In every activity in conducting a business or business, there needs to be a law to protect and uphold justice. Likewise in other fields, the presence of law is indeed very necessary.