Agricultural Waste Bioprocess

Yohanes Setiyo, IBW Gunam, Bambang Admadi

ISBN : ISBN : 978-602-1507-89-6 Published : 2018


Compost is a solid organic fertilizer that is well known among the wider community. This fertilizer has the ability to improve the quality of physical, chemical and biological properties of the soil, so that productivity and endurance of plants fertilized using compost at a dose of 10-30 tons / ha will increase. Compost can be produced by all farmers by utilizing livestock waste and agricultural waste as raw material.
Waste management technology book especially solid waste as a guide to making compost correctly and producing quality compost. This book is used as a reference book for the learning process in the Agricultural Engineering Study Program, especially the subject of Waste Processing Technology. In addition, the author's hope is that this book will be useful for the wider community.