Milk, Meat And Egg Technology

I Made Sugitha; I Wayan Rai Widarta dan Bambang Admadi Harsojuwono Harjo

ISBN : 978-602-1507-98-8 Published : 2020


Milk, meat and eggs asan animal husbandry products which are the basic needs for human food intake, especially with regard to their function as a source of protein. Besides being rich in benefits, this food has specific characteristics. However, milk and meat, in particular, have a much shorter shelf life when it is fresh. The storability is related to the structure of animal products that do not have strong and sturdy protective tissue as well as the results of plants, so that they need the right technology in handling and processing them.
The development of technology has provided many benefits for humanity, including in the development of food products. With the right handling and processing technology, the quality of milk, meat and eggs can be improved, both in terms of age of storage and added value in the diversification of food products.