Milk, Meat And Egg Technology

I Made Sugitha; I Wayan Rai Widarta dan Bambang Admadi Harsojuwono Harjo

ISBN : 978-602-1507-98-8 Published : 2020


Milk, Meat and Eggs are animal products of livestock products needed by humans in terms of food intake, given its role as meeting the high protein sources. These foods have specific characteristics. With appropriate handling and processing technology, the quality of these foodstuffs can be improved, especially the shelf life and added value in the diversification of processed food products. This book is writtenMilk, Meat and Eggs are animal products of livestock products needed by humans in terms of food intake, given its role as meeting the high protein sources. These foods have specific characteristics. With appropriate handling and processing technology, the quality of these foodstuffs can be improved, especially the shelf life and added value in the diversification of processed food products. This book is writteMilk, Meat and Eggs are animal products of livestock products needed by humans in terms of food intake, given its role as meeting the high protein sources. These foods have specific characteristics. With appropriate handling and processing technology, the quality of these foodstuffs can be improved, especially the shelf life and added value in the diversification of processed food products. This book is writte specifically to provide insight and knowledge about the development of technology in handling, preserving and processing animal foods. Hopefully this book is useful for readers and science development in the field of livestock products, especially milk, meat and eggs.