In mid-2014 joined Udayana University as a contract lecturer, and was appointed as a permanent lecturer (BLU UNUD) in 2018 at the Department of Architecture, Faculty of Engineering, Udayana University. He was born on August 28, 1988 in Denpasar - Bali, completed his elementary to high school education in Denpasar (1994 - 2006), completed his Bachelor of Architecture Engineering education at the Department of Architecture, Udayana University in 2010. After graduating, practicing professionally at Popo Danes Architects, a multinational architecture consulting firm in Denpasar for 1 (one) year and doing other freelance design work. After that, from 2011 to 2014 he continued his studies at the Masters of Urban Design with a national scholarship, namely "Beasiswa Unggulan Dalam Negeri" (BUDN) of the Direktoral Jendral Pendidikan Tinggi Republik Indonesia at the Bandung Institute of Technology (ITB), with a focus on Urban Design studies. Since 2014 until now he has actively taught in undergraduate architectural programs courses, including Studio Estetika Bentuk, Architecture Design Studio 1 and 2, Metode Pendekatan Perancangan, Studio Tugas Akhir, Hospitality Design, Asaz Perancangan Bangunan, Konsep Perancangan Bangunan, Building Vizualisation, and Dasar Perancangan Kota. Teaching Excurssion and hospitality design courses in the Tropical Engineering Program for abroad students.
Joined as a member of the Urban Design Laboratory expertise lecturer group, the Udayana University Landscaping Design Team, the UNUD Planning Team, and several other memberships within the university. Participated in the expert team members of Udayana University in the planning and design of several works, including: 1) Designing the Setra Badung Masterplan, 2) Study and Preparation of Perwali Draft Regulation on Outdoor Advertising in Denpasar, 3) Feasibility Study and Master Plan for Agro Techno Park in Petang , Badung Regency, and others.
Join the professional association of the Indonesian Architects Association (IAI) of Bali. Awarded and won several professional awards in the area design competition (masterplan) and buildings including the Denpasar City Housing Architecture Design Competition (2013), the Denpasar City Cultural Center Design Design Competition (2015), the Youthpark Masterplan Design Competition (2016) and the Regional Masterplan Design Competition Badung Market (2016). Since 2015 it holds a certification in Regional, Urban Planning and Intermediate Level of Architecture expertise certification, Assessor Competency Certification from BNSP, and other certifications.
Research activities focus on the field of planning and design of urban areas and city architecture, as well as actively conducting community service in the socio-cultural and environmental fields. Actively participates in national / international seminars and conferences.