Kadek Cahya Utami
  • cahyautami@unud.ac.id
  • Fakultas Kedokteran


My name is Kadek Cahya Utami, but my friends call me Cahya. I was born in Denpasar, September 3, 1986, and currently I am 34 years old. I have a family and have two children. My husband works as a surgeon in Central Kalimantan. My last education was a Masters in Nursing at the University of Indonesia. I started my career as a lecturer at PSIK FK UNUD in 2010. I am currently actively teaching in the pediatric nursing department and involved in the IPANI (Ikatan Perawat Anak Indonesia Provinsi Bali). I have an interest in children with special needs, especially children with cancer, so I often do community service and research in this group with the aim of improving the quality of life of children with cancer.