I Gusti Alit Artha
  • igustialitartha123@gmail.com
  • Fakultas Kedokteran


Prof. dr. I Gusti Alit Artha, MS, Sp.PA (K), MIAC, was born in Bakisan on April 3, 1946. Graduated in medical education at the Faculty of Medicine of Udayana University in 1975. Then continued his master's education at the Airlangga University Postgraduate Program and earned his M degree .Sc in 1986. I got my Anatomy Pathology Specialist degree at the Faculty of Medicine, Airlangga University in 1998. I obtained a Consultant Degree in Cytopathology in 2008 from the Indonesian Pathology College. I got the functional position as Professor in Anatomy Pathology through the Decree of the Minister of National Education number: 80678 / A4.5 / KP / 2008, 31 October 2008.