Agung Pradnyana Suwirya
  • Fakultas Kedokteran


Om Swastiastu, 

My name is Agung Pradnyana Suwirya, I was born on December 6, 1986. I went to elementary school at Raj Yamuna School, and continue my education to SMP Negeri I Denpasar, and SMA Negeri I Denpasar.  I continued my education at the Udayana Faculty of Medicine and graduated in 2012, then worked in one private hospital in Denpasar for 1 year before continuing my specialist education in the field of cardiovascular disease in faculty of medicine Universitas Udayana.  After completing my specialist medical education, I continued to work at Sanglah  General Hospital and Rumkit TK I Udayana Denpasar  as a cardiologist until now. 

I grew up in Denpasar Bali and raised by my parents Nyoman Suwirya Patra and Anak Ayu Sri Saraswati.  I was married in 2015 to Ni Made Dhina Avianthi Irawan and we have been blessed with two children.