I Nyoman Tri Sutaguna
  • trisutaguna@unud.ac.id
  • Fakultas Pariwisata


A father with three children whose full name is I Nyoman Tri Sutaguna. This man who was born in Surabaya has been studying the culinary world since attending the Diploma III of the Bali State Polytechnic (PNB) majoring in Hospitality Accommodation Tourism. He then continued his Diploma IV study at the Faculty of Tourism, Udayana University (UNUD), the DIV Tourism Study Program and the S2 Tourism Study Program, Udayana University (UNUD). Work experience in various hotels, bakeries, restaurants, catering, to explore culinary on cruise ships.

His daily activity is teaching at the Diploma Program in Tourism at Udayana University and also becoming a culinary consultant. Armed with their knowledge and concern in the occupied field, the author is trusted by the Tourism Professional Certification Institute (LSP) for being an assessor and testing competencies (assessments) for workers or students who want to get a competency test certificate from the National Professional Certification Board (BNSP).

The book "Restaurant Knowledge and Food and Its Application" is his first work in expressing all the ideas and experiences they have. The author is aware, that this inaugural book is far from perfect. With the principle of "Can Because Ordinary To Get Success From Failure", then all the shortcomings become stock for success. After that there are various scientific works that have been published either in journals, popular magazines and news paper.