I Putu Arya Dharmaadi
  • aryadharmaadi@unud.ac.id
  • Fakultas Teknik


Lecturer in the Information Technology Department, Faculty of Engineering, Udayana University. Elementary to high school education was completed in Denpasar (1998-2009). The Bachelor of Engineering education was completed at the Informatics Engineering Bachelor Program of the Telkom Institute of Technology, Bandung in 2013 and received a YPTI (Telkom Indonesia Education Foundation) scholarship during Bachelor's degree. Then he continued his Masters in Bandung Institute of Technology (ITB) with a major in Informatics and received a scholarship from the BlackBerry Innovation Center (BBIC) during college until graduating from the 2015 Masters program. In the same year, he was accepted as a Lecturer in the Information Technology Department, Faculty of Engineering, Udayana University. Actively teaching courses in Basic Programming, Computer Networks, Object-Oriented Programming, Internet Programming, and Mobile Programming. Interested in research on the topic of data science and computer vision. Other activities besides being active as teaching staff include being active as a web information system developer and mail server for government agencies as well as being actively involved in social activities through the village youth organization.